
Mayhem for the Western Zang 西藏乱七八糟

"DHARAMSALA, India (Thomson Financial) - The Dalai Lama on Sunday condemned what he called China's 'rule of terror' and 'cultural genocide' in Tibet, calling for an international probe into unrest in his homeland.
'They simply rely on using force in order to simulate peace, a peace brought by force using a rule of terror,' the Tibetan spiritual leader said in Dharamsala in northern India, seat of Tibet's government-in-exile.
'Whether intentionally or unintentionally, some cultural genocide is taking place. There is some kind of discrimination: the Tibetans in their own land quite often are treated as second-class citizens,' he said.
'Please investigate, if possible... some
international organization can try firstly to inquire about the situation in Tibet.'
But the Dalai Lama -- who has made Dharamsala his home in exile since fleeing Tibet after a failed uprising against Chinese forces in 1959 -- refrained from calling for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics in August, as many Tibetan exiles have been demanding.
'The Chinese people... need to feel proud of it. China deserves to be a host of the Olympic Games,' he said, saying however that Beijing also needed to be 'reminded to be a good host.'
The Dalai Lama's comments came hours after China declared a 'people's war' in Tibet following the biggest uprising against Chinese rule there in nearly 20 years.
Eighty people have been confirmed dead, the Tibetan government-in-exile said here, contradicting the official account in China's state-run media that there were just 10 fatalities.
When asked about the death toll, the Dalai Lama said: 'We have different sources: some say 10, some say 30, some say 60, some say 80, 100. I do not know.'
'Some trusted group should go there and see how it happened,' he added.
The Dalai Lama also appealed to China to recognize that he wanted autonomy for Tibet, and not independence, and that his campaign was non-violent.
When asked if he was able to bring an end to Tibetan protests, he said, 'I have no such power.'
'I do feel helpless.'
The unrest in Tibet followed three days of protests by hundreds of monks in Lhasa, India and elsewhere around the world marking the anniversary of the failed 1959 uprising.
The Dalai Lama has long complained that Beijing is flooding Tibet with Han Chinese in order to make the Tibetans a minority in their Buddhist homeland."

Source: Forbes
